set back

Thursday brought an increase in Orin's symptoms of dizziness and memory problems, indicating that the swelling in his brain was not resolved enough to allow us to decrease the decadron further and it had to be increased back up to the previous level. This causes weakness especially in the large muscles of his legs. He finds walking difficult and fell this evening when his legs just gave out on him. Fortunately he was not injured. My mother has been here with us since last Sunday and will be here until Thursday. She has been a blessing to both of us, sharing her cheer, confort, chicken noodle soup and cinnamon rolls! Orin has enjoyed her company and I have been able to work without worry of Orin being home alone. We will talk with Dr Mathews tomorrow about whether to continue with chemo as planned. Please pray with us for wisdom and grace as we face the challenges of what lies ahead. Kathy


Carol said…
Just a note to let you know I continue to pray daily.
Anonymous said…
Kathy and Orin,

Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you and your family.

Jerry & Edna
Anonymous said…
Kathy....wish I could be there with you, and am so glad Aunt Geneva is there. Please know we are praying and love you all.

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