Dr Appointment

We met with Dr Mathews , our oncologist today. I wouldn't by the way recommend having cancer to anyone but if you do and you live in this area I wouldnt recommend that you go through it without Dr Mathews and his team. I just cannot say enough about their knowledge, care and availability. They are just amazing.
Orin had a CT scan of his brain while hospitalized at Girard last week because of the confusion and headaches. Dr Mathews discussed those results with us. There has been increase in the size of the tumor at the left temporal and possibly at the right temporal. The third appears stable. There is some question because the tests were done on equipment that scan at different intervals and therefore are not 100% comparable. What was for sure was a significant increase in the swelling around the left temporal tumor site. Dr Mathews says it is possible(although I guessed by his tone of voice not terribly likely) for this to have been because of the radiation he received in Jan (????) everything is a question and I am learning more and more why Dr's "practice" medicine and that with all the technology medicine still is an art!
He discussed more chemo and the fact that it will not treat the brain. If Orin continues chemo and the brain lesions continue to grow, the option would be to go to Wichita for Gamma Knife treatment. This is a highly specialized radiation treatment that sends beams only to the tumor. It would require several weeks of treatment.
At this point Orin is still on very strong antibiotics but the infection seems to be clearings successfully. He is back on as high a dose of decadron as he was when he the brain tumors were first discovered. We started that on Friday and will begin the taper in two more days. The infection, the antibiotics, and especially the decadron in addition to the cancer make him weak.

Orin is considering whether to continue chemo at all . Dr Mathews told Orin today that only he can make that choice and that if and when he does that he will continue to care for him but will then involve hospice and provide care through them. But until then we will see how things go, how he feels, we have an appointment in two weeks.

We covet your prayers as we try to practice Dr Mathews advice to take ONE DAY at a time, remembering that God has only given us ONE DAY after all while trying to make the decisions that will affect the days that are ahead should God choose to grant them.
Blessings Kathy


Anonymous said…
Kathy--thank you so much for keeping us informed. You both have my prayers and thoughts. Lois Gronau-Fietz--Houston
Lois, thanks for letting us know that you are there and praying, it means so much. Kathy

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