It is Saturday and I realize that I have not written here since early Tuesday afternoon. It's been a bit of a busy few days. Shortly after my last entry Dr Mathews (oncologist) asked Dr Edwards (our internist) to admit Orin to Girard Hospital and treat the infection. So at about 4 pm tuesday in one of those rain "showers" where you expect to see frogs falling and where the worms were already crawling on the sidewalk gasping for air we splashed our way to the hospital. They of course did lab, started IV fluids and by two antibiotics, both IV also. Orin was tired, weak and still having difficulty coming up with words for what he wanted to say.

Wednesday Morning
I arrived to find out from the nurse that his sodium had been low, they had switched his IV to normal saline and when I got to his room he was much more alert.
The drainage from the fistula had decreased significantly, the antibiotics are beginning to working. He slept well last night but isnt feeling so good today. Some days are just that way

It's raining again... or maybe still... .Orin is still in the hospital in Girard, a little antsy to get out but willing to stay. I expect that he will be there at least through Sunday because of the antibiotics. A little twist.... this morning while taking his vitals his heart rate was a little low... 49... so they put telemetry on him...while he was asleep it dropped down to body knows why just yet. but they are continuing to watch it. He doesnt seem to be having any symptoms except I am wondering if its part of the reason he has been tired.... he sure is a complicated guy ! Hasnt lost his sense of humor though. last night he told me he thought he must be getting taller because it was taking him a lot longer to stand up!

well thats back to today. I have been home this morning cleaning and doing those Saturday things that have to get done. Blake , our little grandson just got here, he usually comes and spends Sat night with us and goes to Sunday School. My sister Rita and her husband Dick are on their way down from Olathe for a surprise visit so will meet them at the hospital in a little while. I will update this as soon as I know any more. At this point I think a lot of his confusion was the low sodium , and am hoping that his fatigue will be related to the low heart rate and it will have as simple a fix.. so I guess that is the prayer request. God has so blessed us with extra time together. We are amazed at his goodness. I am never sure why, since He is a God of total Goodness,... I guess because our human frailty can't imagine it! blessings to all, Kathy


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