We need your Prayers

We've had a wonderful few months of just enjoying life and the kids. Orin has been taking chemo but as promised is hasnt been so bad. We had a great Christmas and rejoice that we were able to celebrate together the birth of our blessed Savior. Just recently however Orin had begun experiencing some symptoms that lead the Dr to do a CT scan of his head and they have discovered three brain tumors. This was in addition to the news we received just days ago that the chemo drugs that they have been using have apparently stopped working ( this happens when the cancer finally builds up an immunity to them) so that there was tumor growth in the lung as well as metastasis to the adrenal gland during the last round of treatment.
The brain tumors were discovered in a scan done at 2:30 pm on Friday Jan 5th and by 4:00 pm the Dr had already called us saying they had ordered a steroid drug he was to start immediately because they feared he would start having seizures. He is to start Radiation on Tuesday to slow the tumor growth.
He has been quite weak and has had some dizziness and headaches. Orin doesnt sleep well and often stays up late ( I think that its a left over from his many years of driving at night and sleeping days). I woke in the night last night to a sound and got up and found him on the dining room floor. He was somewhat disoriented although he knew who and where he was... and had some trouble walking... we did get to bed. I do not know if he just got weak and fell or if he had a seizure. I do know we are in a new phase of this illness and need new strength. God's word in Lamentations 3 says It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness . I praise God for that promise and again know that He will lead us through this valley. Still your prayers move His mighty Hand and sustain us as we go. IN HIM, Kathy


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