Your greatest gift

Your greatest gift
Some men spend there time on earth building great wealth, fame, knowledgeand degrees or other such trinkets.
Not so was the man I married when I was really to young to even know the true gift that God had chosen for me. It was in fact to be many years before I would have the wisdom to truly understand.
Orin was a man who took care of his home. Who did what needed done. The filters got changed and the eaves troughs cleaned. He always remembered. He was faithful.
Orin took care of his children. Their needs were met, They were loved. His children were the center of his world. Little league and pigeon shows were always more important that golfing or such. No need to buy a "batting pole"daddy made one.
When his sons brought him new "daughters" they were as his own helping them with whatever was needed. It was always the same " the boys are busy and it needed done".
Orin loved his grandchildren, every one of them were precious to him. He insisted immediately that there would be none of the "stepgrandchild" stuff in our family, he loved them all and enjoyed them immensely. You didn't go to grandpa's without sharing his M&M's .... But you behaved... even to the last day grandpa was known to say "KIDS, PICK THAT UP"!
Orin loved his wife, at 14 he met her at the county fair, at 16 he gave her an engagement ring and at 19 made her his bride. On August 25th we would have celebrated 42 years of marriage. Some years were hard. Orin knew how to stay. He learned how to love, and he did it daily with his heart and his life, showing it as much in the things he did as the word he said. He always worried more about pleasing my needs than his. Even in his last days hewould refuse to wake me in the night because I needed my sleep.
Orin was a faithful friend. When help was needed, help was given. It was how it was done and I watch with pride as his sons do and give as they were taught.
Orin belonged to the Lord. When he decided to follow Christ he loved him like he had always known to love. He served as he had always served, with his heart and his hands. So many gifts he has given to all of us, in this church building alone are examples of his work .. the welcome bench in the foyer, the sound equipment station, work on the building but the greatest gift is that of a gentle man who got it... who understood that LOVE was not a feeling but a DOING. Quietly, without asking for notice or praise, he exemplified what God's Word says in the book of James, a faith that works.
Thank you Orin, for teaching me how to love.
Your dearest wife, Kathy


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