A Quiet Saturday... a special prayer need

Some days are just for sitting in your big chair watching the birds and the squirrels decide who is going to eat first and today has been one of them. With snow still covering everything but the snowbladed streets the birds are quite happy to share with whoever happens to come along and at our house its at least a squirrel or two.. so they take turns.
Our day is interrupted by Mike and Anna and later Scott and Olivia... the boys are so good to come by and do things there day can't get done any longer and the girls... well they make sure to entertain us usually cooking us up a huge "plastic" meal of all kinds of goodies in their little kitchen in the playroom.
We do ask your prayers for 6 yr old Blake. This last round of events with Orin with the radiation and the steriod treatment has left him "looking" a little different and Blake has been having some difficulty... he is our worrier... told his momma "we have to find a way to keep grandpa from dying". I think it is hardest on the children who are old enough to understand ...but not really... so pray that he will have many around him who will know just what to do and say to help him through this. He has been very close to his grandpa so this will be hard.