Gronau Reunion

Its funny how you can put off attending a family reunion as not so important when all is well.... and how special they become when faced with a serious illness. So it was that we planned amd attended the Gronau family reunion in Newton this last weekend and what a joy it was to see people we hadnt seen for years. If any of you are reading this, Yea! we sure were glad to see you!!
We spent Sunday with my mom and sister. Mike and Emily had also come out for the reunion so that made eleven under ten.. was a lively day but lots of fun! We both came home tired but I think Kesha ( our dog) was the worst...the little girls pushed her around in a doll buggy ALL DAY... she didnt seem to mind but she slept ALL the way home and most of today! Orin has napped quite a bit today too but really did pretty well for all the activity. We again praise the Lord for giving Orin the Good health to be able to travel to Newton for the reunion
Jerry & Edna