I bet you all thought I fell off the edge of the world or something! no... just trying to recover from a greaat weekend with out kids at Grand Lake. We left last Friday about noon and arrived home Sunday evening. Our whole family.. kids,and grandkids and dogs played, ate and spent a lot of time getting "wet" at Grand Lake.. ( Thank you so very much, David and Susan for your gracious hospitality).. On the way home Sunday six year old Blake rode with us....at one point I said "Blake, how many times do you think we went swimming this weekend?" his response: an emphatic "A LOT!!" It was a very special family time. however..we did come home quite tired and have spent a good bit of time this week resting!! not as young as we used to be!!
Orin is beginning to feel some better. He is in the third week now since treatment and so every day gets better. He mostly is tired a lot.. still some stomach upset problems. He did better than we hoped over the weekend. Had a bad few hours Sat morning but otherwise did pretty well.
He is on an official break from treatment. His next Pet scan is scheduled right after Labor Day with treatment to restart thereafter. In the mean time we are planning to enjoy some good days, fellowshiping with old friends at the 30th anniversary celebration in mid august at Crossroad Baptist Church and our 31st wedding anniversary in late august and the Gronau Family reunion in Newton over Labor day.
Blessings to All, We Love you, Kathy
Orin is beginning to feel some better. He is in the third week now since treatment and so every day gets better. He mostly is tired a lot.. still some stomach upset problems. He did better than we hoped over the weekend. Had a bad few hours Sat morning but otherwise did pretty well.
He is on an official break from treatment. His next Pet scan is scheduled right after Labor Day with treatment to restart thereafter. In the mean time we are planning to enjoy some good days, fellowshiping with old friends at the 30th anniversary celebration in mid august at Crossroad Baptist Church and our 31st wedding anniversary in late august and the Gronau Family reunion in Newton over Labor day.
Blessings to All, We Love you, Kathy
Was finally able to get onto your blog. This is great and I will check it every so often. In reading down through your old postings, we are so thrilled at your trust in our great God! The Spirit bringing wonderful verses and hymns to your mind in times of peace and in times of trouble. We can relate to that as He comforts and strengthens us that way, too!
He Word is so precious and we are so thankful for the gift of music.
We pray for you and all the family. So glad to hear the encouraging news from the doctors and from you.
Looking forward to getting together with you later in September. Gotta call June, yet.
Love you both, Larry and Judy