Waiting around

Boy do you learn a lot when you start something new!! Things like "the language" of cancer treatment..... and Waiting.
We have spend a year and a half now figuring this out and can now tell you for sure, without a doubt, that a "ROUND" of treatment (at least for Orin) looks like this.

DAY ONE 24 hours of continuous and intermittant treatment.. one drugin a
continuous infusion pump" for 24 hrs.The others he gets IV over about 2
hours. This by the way comes with coffee, juice, a sandwich, muffin,
chips and three pretty nurses!
DAY TWO Refill the pump and 2 more hours of IV's
DAY THREE they disconnect the pump....

those 3 days are connected to the next session which is two weeks later

DAY 15 - Just like day one
DAY 16 - Just like day two
Day 17 - Just like day three
All that together is a ROUND

AFTER TWO ROUNDS they do a PET SCAN to see if there is improvement. When the results are in Orin , with his Doctor's input decides whether to do another ROUND.

All that takes about six weeks to accomplish. Psalm 27:14 says Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD!" Isn't it amazing that through adversity, He teaches us how to do the things that provide our strength.


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