
Showing posts from October, 2012

And what do you do when the sink has a leak?

     Five years and some months ago, I began took on the task of living alone. Not by choice, nevertheless it happened.  I was new at it and I still feel that way today.        After growing up on a farm with a dad who could fix anything, it was no surprise that the man I chose to marry was just like him!  We were a good pair, as were my parents when it came to keeping things running smoothly.  If he lost a button or tore his shirt, I could fix it.  When the sink leaked, he could. Neither of us were in to challenging traditional roles, no need, the way we did it woked.     Today, discovering a leak in the plumbing, I am thinking perhaps I should have paid more attention!  And I am wondering.  I have numerous friends on facebook and such that live alone and have for many years.  How do you handle this issue?  Do you have a huge budget for repairs?  Do you have friends...


Have you ever wondered, when something reminds you of a loved one who has passed on, shall I mention it? will it make her remember and be sad? is it better to just say nothing? The answer is YES ,MAYBE, NO I lost my husband to cancer in 2007 and my father to heart disease in 1995. Although I don't "actively grieve" them every minute or even every day, they are still a big part of who I am.  One of the hardest things is when people don't seem to remember that they were ever around. so should I mention it?   YES, I long to hear, Remember when he...,  when I see....I think of your dad,  I wish your husband was here to enjoy this with you... Will it  bring a tear or a smile?  Probably. Maybe one, maybe both. But its ok, because with either my heart will be soothed by your remembering and my burden of grief will be lightened . so, is it  better to just say nothing There could be times when it might be best to keep your though...