
Showing posts from November, 2007


I thought I would post this pic that my friend took a couple of weeks ago. I cut my hair short in anticipation of loosing it but so far its still here. I think I have a few more days... I have been blessed with avoiding the nausea but I suspect not this! I have been warned to expect to be emotional no matter how prepared I think I am. The last few days have been a bit discouraging as I have been more fatiqued than I hoped to be. I have times that I think I am through the worst and then it gets worse. Still, tomorrow it will be a week since the first treatment so surely it will begin to improve soon. I can feel the chemo working on my body. Tell that it is damaging cells. Things like my mouth tingling.... I know that it will damage good cells as it kills the bad... thats the tradeoff. We had a blessed thanksgiving with Mike and Emily. It has been a tradition they have started of including both sides of the family and I have come to look forward to spending time with Emily...


Well, I got through Friday great! I felt good yesterday just a little more tired. Last night I was afraid my mouth was beginning to tingle like it was going to get sore but its not bad this morning yet, (Thank you Jesus) Today however, although my brain would like to be up and going , my body is weak and shakey. We worked at my new house some yesterday , I think I will just think about working there today. Still , I am so far encouraged that I wasnt immediately horrible ill. Will try to post later....see how the day goes... Love you all... Kathy

Chemo today finally

After weeks of tests and consults and surgeries ( one to remove the lymph node and lump and a second to put in my port) I finally started CHEMO today. I am really doing fine,,,, they are very proactive about treating symptoms.... I will use three different meds before and during the treatments to prevent nausea. The nurse who gave me treatment today said I was taking the elite drugs!!! I am very hopeful that the nausea will be minimal. Treatment took from 9:30 til 1:00. I did fine... was a little drowsy for a while from the IV benedryl that they gave me ( rashes and itching can be a side effect). But have been out to eat and to Rachel's ball game. I really dont feel bad yet but they say it takes a day or two. I already have cut my hair really short, purchased a really cute wig, several hats and mom has knit me three caps to wear to bed to keep my head warm. I have already been "counseled that I will be emotional when my hair falls out no matter how prepared I am ( th...